We observe the requirements of both the EU Data Protection Regulation and other legislation in all the activities of Sixty Eight North Oy. We implement our data protection and data security policy with the aim to ensure the rights of data subjects and the rights and obligations of the controller with respect to the processing of personal data. Sixty Eight North Oy processes personal data while protecting privacy and promoting compliance with good data processing practices.

We collect personal data only for specific purposes. We collect personal data on our website to provide customer service, improve the customer experience and improve the user experience of the site. We do not regularly disclose data to third parties.

Our site will use external service providers (third parties) for sales, marketing, and customer service. The third parties on the site are eg. the Little Hotelier accommodation booking engine. The site also has a Facebook pixel installed that allows us to target advertising. The privacy statements of these bodies can be found by clicking the links below.


Our website uses cookies to improve the user experience.

Cookies are small text files that a web browser stores on a user’s device. Cookies are set on the user’s device only with the site the user uses. Only the server that sent the cookie can later read and use the cookie. Cookies do not damage the user’s device or files, and cookies cannot be used to access programs or spread malware. The user cannot be identified by cookies alone.

sixtyeightnorth.com uses:

– Cookies that improve security
– Analytics cookies
– Cookies that enable automatic third-party marketing
– Cookies enabling third-party activity and accommodation bookings

Our website may not function as intended without cookies.

A more detailed privacy statement concerning our customer register is available by request from info@sixtyeightnorth.com

Privacy statement